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Today's Date 02/12/25
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Learn from industry experts about the innovative methods and techniques being used to protect pollinators, plant native, establish sustainable gardens, and prevent invasive species from affecting our climate. Together we can restore wild habitat and encourage resilience in the natural world and in our own communities.



Learn about our Partners and Contributors

Frank Mantlik

Master Birder

An avid birder and naturalist, Frank is active in many bird and nature organizations in New England and has served as president of the Connecticut Ornithological Association. An accomplished photographer, he has led birdwatching tours at Grace Farms for several years and contributed his birding expertise to our Go for a Spring Bird Walk page.

Lauren Elliott

Garden Manager, Grace Farms

A Master Gardener and Manager of Grace Farms' Community Garden, Lauren has contributed her expertise to create a vegan, sustainable garden at Grace Farms. Discover some of the techniques she uses to keep our garden productive and healthy on our Create a Sustainable Garden page.

David DePalma

Facilities, Grace Farms

A longtime member of Grace Farms' Facilities team, David is also an incredible artist. He has contributed drawings for our annual Gifting for Good program and developed several coloring pages to send to our food relief recipients, which are also featured on our Celebrate Biodiversity page.

Lea Ann Miller

Events Specialist, Grace Farms

Lea Ann works as an Events Specialist at Grace Farms and has played an important role in our food relief efforts, planning and executing special gifts and activities for our food relief recipients. Lea Ann contributed activities for our Feed the Birds and Plant for Pollinators pages.

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