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Today's Date 02/12/25
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Frequently Asked Questions


Is Grace Farms available for anyone to visit and enjoy?

Yes, Grace Farms is a welcoming place where people can experience nature, encounter the arts, pursue justice, foster community and explore faith. All visitors are offered public access during daily operation hours.

How do I become a Grace Farms Member?

Grace Farms welcomes people to take part in our mission by joining our Membership Program. Members enjoy expedited access to Grace Farms, discounted tickets to programs and events, and access to select private events. Learn more about Membership. If you have questions about our program, please email [email protected].

When is Grace Farms open to the public?

Grace Farms is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am – 5 pm and Sunday from 12 pm – 5 pm. Grace Farms is closed on Mondays. Please consult our Visit page, as hours and access to the River and Barn spaces vary.

What is Grace Farms’ weather policy? Do all events happen rain or shine?

There is no bad weather at Grace Farms! We only interrupt daily operations or events if the weather poses a safety concern. In such cases, our homepage will indicate any closures. If you are uncertain, please check our website on the day of your event.

Are buses allowed at Grace Farms?

Buses or vehicles that accommodate more than 8 people are not permitted to enter Grace Farms’ property, nor drop visitors at the entrance of Grace Farms, without prior approval.

Where do I park at Grace Farms?

Grace Farms offers free on-site parking during operating hours, including reserved ADA parking spaces and bicycle racks.

Are there public restrooms?

Restrooms are located throughout Grace Farms’ River building and barns, and are open for your use during operational hours.

Can children come to Grace Farms without adult supervision?

Youths 16 years and older are welcome to enjoy Grace Farms without adult supervision. All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Are pets/dogs allowed?

No pets are allowed on site at Grace Farms. Only trained service dogs are permitted to accompany their owner and must be on leash and attended to at all times.

Is there free Wi-Fi access?

Complimentary Wi-Fi access is available at Grace Farms, with the strongest signal available in the River building and Barns.

What is the smoking and alcohol policy?

Smoking and drinking alcohol are not permitted at Grace Farms.

Does Grace Farms have a dress code?

We want all visitors at Grace Farms to wear clothing that makes them feel comfortable, but we do ask that all visitors wear shirts and footwear. Bathing suits are not permitted.

Is Grace Farms wheelchair accessible?

Grace Farms and its buildings have been designed to be fully ADA accessible. Wheelchairs are available for use upon request at the West Barn Welcome Center.

What happens if there is a medical or other emergency at Grace Farms?

We have on-site safety personnel and a first aid station to immediately respond to medical or other emergencies at Grace Farms. In addition, Grace Farms Foundation staff is AED trained.

Can I volunteer at Grace Farms?

Volunteers are integral to daily operations and advancing the Grace Farms mission, and we are thankful for the partnership and offered service. To become a volunteer, please email [email protected].

Are there restrictions on photography and/or videography?

Grace Farms is open to the public and we welcome individuals to photograph the serenity and beauty of nature for their personal enjoyment. In an effort to limit disruption, please note that flash, tripods, and drones are not permitted. Photoshoots of any kind and/or photography which implies the endorsement of any individual, organization, or product are not permitted without express written approval of Grace Farms Foundation’s Communications & Marketing department.

If you are unable to find the answers you need in the guidelines above, please contact our Marketing and Communications Department at [email protected].

Does Grace Farms have a COVID-19 Policy?

Yes. Grace Farms’ policy is created to reduce the risks to you, other visitors, and our staff, during our public hours and events. Please review our COVID-19 policy prior to your visit.

Can I still use my Grace Farms Pass?

Grace Farms is free and open to the public. Our prior Grace Farms Pass system is no longer active, and a reservation is required in advance of your visit. Members do not need to register in advance.


Is there food available at Grace Farms?

Snacks, beverages, and light fare are available Tuesday–Sunday in the Commons until 5 pm. Please note that these hours are subject to change without prior notice.

Can I reserve a table in the Commons or Pavilion?

In order to serve all visitors and communities, the Commons and Pavilion tables are only available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Can I bring my own food and beverages to Grace Farms?

Outside food and beverages are not permitted at Grace Farms. We encourage visitors to support Grace Farms by purchasing affordable and delicious food and beverages in the Commons.


Can I rent space at Grace Farms?

At this time, Grace Farms does not rent space for corporate or private events, including weddings, funerals or memorials. Through our Space Grant Program, we support not-for-profits, government agencies, and quasi-governmental agencies on the front lines of service by offering complimentary access to space at Grace Farms.

Is it possible to host a group of friends or casual gathering at Grace Farms?

Small groups are welcome to convene informally on our grounds year-round. Please review our Groups FAQ for more information.

What is the refund policy?

All ticket sales are final. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Guest Relations at 203.920.1702 or [email protected].

Facilities and Activities

Can I jog/run on the grounds at Grace Farms?

Grace Farms offers a mowed 1-mile walking and jogging trail. For your safety and the safety of others, we do not allow running inside the River building volumes or on the walkways.

Can I fish at Grace Farms?

Visitors are welcome to fish in the pond, catch-and-release only, with barbless hooks at Grace Farms during operating daylight hours. We suggest using tackle and flies/lures that minimize the chance of injury to the fish. Grace Farms may on occasion suspend fishing access throughout the year. For safety purposes, swimming in the pond is not allowed.

Does Grace Farms have a lost and found?

If you’ve lost an item on site at Grace Farms, please inquire at the Welcome Center in the West Barn.

Is there drinking water available on site?

Filtered drinking water stations are available at the Library, Commons, Pavilion and Court.

Can sports equipment be used at Grace Farms?

Visitors are welcome to bring most light sports equipment, such as frisbees and footballs, for non-organized recreation on the Athletic Field. Baseballs, lacrosse and golf balls, or any other ball that may break the glass are not permitted. Grace Farms does not allow any throwing of balls or playing with sports equipment near the River building or walkways.

Are strollers permitted?

Strollers are welcome in outdoor spaces, parked in designated areas, but tricycles and pedal bikes are not permitted.

Are lawn chairs, coolers, or beach umbrellas permitted?

We do not allow lawn chairs, coolers, or beach umbrellas at Grace Farms, but ample seating is available inside and outside the River building.

Can I bike, roller-skate, or scooter at Grace Farms?

Bicycles, roller-skates, scooters, pedal bikes, skateboards or other wheeled transportation are not permitted near the River building, walkways or on Grace Farms grounds. There are bicycle racks available outside the West Barn Welcome Center for those who choose to bike to Grace Farms.

Can I conduct professional business at Grace Farms?

Revenue-driving activities, including professional photography, private tours, or fitness classes, are not permitted to be conducted at Grace Farms.

Restricted Items List

For your safety and for the long-term maintenance of Grace Farms, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No alcohol (except approved special events) or smoking on property; No illegal substances
  • No possession of firearms, knives, or anything deemed by Grace Farms Foundation as dangerous or inappropriate
  • No pets (other than certified service animals)
  • No swimming in ponds; Shirt and footwear required at all times; No bathing suits
  • No soliciting on premises; No displaying signs
  • No sleeping inside buildings; No tents/camping equipment
  • No tailgating in parking lots; No cooking equipment
  • No shouting on premises; No playing of music on grounds without headphones


Who curated the permanent art installations at Grace Farms?

Before opening in October 2015, Grace Farms Foundation — in consultation with Yuko Hasegawa, Chief Curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo — commissioned artworks, which respond to the architecture and vision of Grace Farms.

Does Grace Farms plan to expand the number of permanent art installations on view?

At this time, Grace Farms Foundation does not have plans to commission additional permanent installations, but will continue to collaborate with contemporary artists on temporary projects.

How do I submit a proposal to present my work at Grace Farms?

Grace Farms Foundation’s programming is the result of proposals generated by our small in-house curatorial team. As it pertains to our visual, literary, and performing arts programming, the majority of artist engagement arises from direct invitation. In this regard, we do not accept unsolicited proposals and submissions sent to Grace Farms will not be returned.


Groups of 8 or More:

  • Grace Farms is open to all. Groups are welcome to visit Grace Farms but are kindly asked to break up into groups of 8 or less so as to not disturb other visitors on-site.
  • Buses are not permitted on Grace Farms property unless the group has scheduled a Grace Farms Tour. Buses are also not permitted to drop visitors off at the entrance of Grace Farms without prior approval.
  • Groups interested in participating in a Grace Farms Tour should contact [email protected]. All group tours must be led by an official Grace Farms tour guide.
  • The Commons is not a full-service restaurant capable of accommodating large groups. The Commons may not be able to accommodate groups for lunch between the hours of 12:15 pm– 2 pm, and groups are asked to place the entire order together. Grace Farms Foundation staff will do their best to accommodate the order in a timely manner, but please allocate extra time to receive freshly prepared food. Payment can be split evenly amongst a maximum of three credit or debit cards.
  • External food or beverage is not permitted.
  • Grace Farms does not provide reserved space to any groups unless they have scheduled a private tour or are a not-for-profit space grant partner.


Organized Groups with Children or Young Adults:

  • At Grace Farms, an organized visit with children is defined as a group with 8 or more children. All young guests (16 years-old and younger) must be supervised at all times by a designated adult or chaperone. A minimum of 1 adult to every 8 children is required.
  • Grace Farms Foundation does not host children’s birthday parties. Likewise, the Foundation does not provide special entertainment or activities for groups outside of our regular scheduled activities.
  • For additional questions, please contact [email protected]


How do I schedule a tour of Grace Farms?

Public tours of Grace Farms are available on Thursdays and Saturdays. Please visit our calendar page to register. Private tours of Grace Farms are available Tuesday through Friday at 10:30 am or 12:45 pm and range from 60 to 90 minutes. Please complete a Private Tour Request for more information.

Are tour buses permitted?

All tour buses must receive approval prior to arrival at Grace Farms.

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