Making Space for Women 2023
Making Space for Women | Events at Grace Farms
Our annual Making Space for Women programming honors the integral role women play in equitable communities and the workplace, highlights progress made towards gender equity, and showcases voices of leading women who fearlessly push ahead towards innovation.
The Band of Sisters | Friday, March 3
7:30 – 8:30 pm | $15 | Grace Farms Members: $12
Making Space for Women kicks off with a night featuring The Band of Sisters, a group of six executive-level women and authors of You Should Smile More: How to Dismantle Gender Bias in the Workplace. With operating experience across over 20 industries, the group offers unparalleled insight into dismantling gender bias and building inclusive corporate culture. Hosted by Grace Farms Program Officer Karen Kariuki.
You Should Smile More: How to Dismantle Gender Bias in the Workplace will be available for purchase in partnership with Elm Street Books.
Madam President: Women Leaders in Higher Education | Thursday, March 9
7:30 – 9 pm | $15 | Grace Farms Members: $12 | student (14 and up): free
Hear from visionaries in higher education whose transformational leadership is moving education systems forward.
The night features Sian Leah Beilock, President of Barnard College and President-Elect of Dartmouth; Frances Bronet, President of Pratt Insitute; Helene Gayle, MD, President of Spelman College; and Laura Sparks, President of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, in conversation about how women leaders are fostering inclusive education systems through space, admissions, and connections to the workforce. This discussion will be moderated by Grace Farms CEO Sharon Prince and followed by an audience Q&A.