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Today's Date 02/12/25
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Birdwatching at Grace Farms | Fall Migration

Saturday, September 5, 2020, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Search for autumn’s birdlife during a walk through Grace Farms’ walking trails with Master Birder Frank Mantlik and Grace Farms Foundation’s Nature Initiative Director, Mark Fowler. Participants of all ages and experience levels are invited to learn more about our local natural world and discover the more than 85 species of birds that thrive on Grace Farms’ 80-acre preserve.

We’ll be walking on mown trails, which may be wet, so please wear appropriate footwear, and dress for the weather.


Fall Migration birdwatching walks are offered on Saturdays, September 5, September 12, September 19, and September 26.


Frank Mantlik

Frank Mantlik works as a birdwatching leader for Sunrise Birding LLC ( An avid birder and naturalist for over 40 years, he has been active in many bird/nature organizations, including the CT Ornithological Association (current vice-president, past-president, member CT Avian Records Committee, bird identification workshop leader), CT Audubon Society (trip leader, photo exhibits), New Haven Bird Club (lectures, trip  and workshop leader), Saugatuck Valley Audubon Society (field trips, lectures, Christmas Bird Count). Also an accomplished photographer with many published credits (Audubon, Birding, North American Birds, Birdwatcher’s Digest, Field and Stream, The New York Times).





Saturday, September 5, 2020
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
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