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Today's Date 02/10/25
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Gardening Workshop | Tomato Grafting

Saturday, April 11, 2020, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

With the health and safety of our visitors, staff, and community in mind, Grace Farms temporarily closed to the public on March 9 and remains closed. All programs scheduled during this time will be cancelled or rescheduled.

Although Grace Farms is temporarily closed, the work of Grace Farms Foundation continues. 

The Grace Farms Relief Fund for Connecticut, which was established with private donations totaling $2.5 million, to address the critical shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health care workers in Fairfield and New Haven counties. Grace Farms Foundation has also organized the Grace Farms Alliance Against COVID-19, an effort comprised of more than half a dozen partner organizations to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more about what we are doing to help serve our community during this time and our COVID-19 response effort.

Discover how grafting can control soil borne diseases and improve crop yield. Master Gardener Nick Mancini, an author and lecturer on organic gardening, will lead a discussion and hands-on demonstration of tomato grafting techniques.


Join us for more Gardening Workshops:

Saturday, May 16 | Planting Warm Weather Crops

Saturday, June 6 | Cucurbits

Saturday, June 27 | What’s Bugging Your Garden

Saturday, July 11 | Solanaceae Plants

Saturday, July 25 | Starting Seeds for Autumn

Saturday, August 8 | Organic Composting & Sustainability

Saturday, August 29 | Fall Planting

Saturday, September 12 | Fall Summary & Tasting




Saturday, April 11, 2020
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
365 Lukes Wood Road New Canaan, CT 06840 + Google Map

Ticket Prices

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