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Today's Date 02/12/25
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Earth Day | The Wonder of Trees

Saturday, April 23, 2022, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

A tree in bloom at Grace Farms

Forests play a central role in the well-being of our ecosystems. They sustain biodiversity, benefit our climate, and support human well-being. This Earth Day, join Grace Farms for a day of family-friendly activities celebrating the wonder of trees and encouraging us all to take part in forest conservation.


Birds and the Trees
10:30 – 11:30 am (space is limited; on-site registration required)

Join Master Birder Frank Mantlik to learn about the more than 100 species of birds at Grace Farms that rely on trees for food, shelter, and nesting.


Forest Bathing
10:30 – 11:30 am (space is limited; on-site registration required)

Reconnect with nature and engage your senses, feelings, and emotions. Erika Long of the Community Mindfulness Project will help participants to discover the power of nature’s ability to alleviate stress and anxiety and improve our focus, wellness, and mental health.


Tree Printing & Tree Communities | Find the Lines
10:30 am – 3 pm

Meander through the black locust grove and find lines in the landscape. Led by the Arts Initiative, this activity invites children and families to weave recycled yarn through the trees, encouraging us to consider the interrelatedness of life.


Plant an Oak
11 am – 4 pm

Over 250 species of life thrive in oak trees. Take a small oak plant home with you and join us in creating and protecting the forests and wildlife of tomorrow.


Architectural Elements | Timber
11 – 11:15 am & 3 – 3:15 pm

Explore sustainability in architecture and the landscape


Soaring Through the Treetops
12 – 1 pm & 2 – 3 pm

Falconer Brian Bradley guides birds of prey along the treetops of Grace Farms as he discusses these majestic creatures and the importance of trees to their survival.


Spring Tree Walk
3 – 4 pm (space is limited; on-site registration required)

Experience the beauty of flowering trees in the spring and learn how to identify them as Laura Green from Yale’s School of Forestry and Environment points out the more than 50 species of trees on site at Grace Farms.


The Flourishing Life and Trees
2:30 – 3:30 pm

In addition to being a critical part of our ecosystem, trees are also an important religious and cultural symbol. Join Dr. Matthew Croasmun, Faith Initiative Director, and Katie Grosh, Faith Initiative Coordinator, to explore the importance of living in balance with nature.


The Tree Bar | Earth Day-Inspired Library Resources for All Ages
10 am – 5 pm

Visit the Library for a curated selection of books and resources about the power of trees and the importance of conserving our forests.


Saturday, April 23, 2022
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
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