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Today's Date 03/07/25
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Design for Freedom

Design for Freedom is a new movement meant to raise awareness about slave labor in the built environment and propose an industry-wide call to action.

The Design for Freedom Working Group, which was launched by Sharon Prince, CEO and Founder of Grace Farms and the late Bill Menking, Editor-in-Chief of The Architect’s Newspaper, has brought together more than 60 industry leaders and experts that have committed their expertise and wherewithal in a joint effort to eliminate modern slavery in the built environment.

Contributing members of the Design for Freedom Working Group represent the full ecosystem of the global architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) professions.

As a society, we have a moral and ethical obligation to end the exploitation that subsidizes the bottom line of residential and commercial construction projects around the world.

“Much like our natural environment, we cannot excuse ourselves from acting, and will have to make more targeted efforts to ban unethical materials from our industry.”

– Jing Liu and Florian Idenburg, SO – IL

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